But you have a little mistake, May you don't know it
It's about "I" in your topic espacialy in first Participation and repeated in others paragrafs .

such as

your mistake is about i is small in error situation, If you w-rite i as a single letter YOU MUST WRITE IT CAPETAL
whatever whever , just w-rite it capetal like "I" don't w-rite it "i" that's all what I want to share it with you

With Best Wishes

you are             ight             but I intended to ignore it ..

Anyway , it is my turn to correct your mistakes

" not too much just some errors

It's about "I" in your topic espacialy in
first Participation and repeated in others paragraphs .

in the beginning
" to make a sense "

in the other paragraphs

in the others " no need to             -ite anything after putting s "

your mistake is about
i is small in error situation

your mistake is just about " I" it is a small error "

do not make longer "

that's all what I want to share it with you
this is what i want to share with you " better to             ite it in this way "

thanks for your participation and hope you all the best as well ..